

This is a studio term project for a consumer electronic studio called, Connected Devices, led by Rachael Volker. This physical product partners with my other individual Fall 2024 term project from UI/UX studio led by Tin Le.

Mivo is a solution to Seoul, South Korea’s digital and mental health epidemic. Mivo helps bring users outside more to get them to their recommended outdoor time set by the Scientific Report. The app leads users to the physical Mivo stations and allows users to unlock various rewards and a way to connect to other users.

This half of the overall Mivo project was done individually.

suffer from prolonged depression in Seoul. This is a 10.2% increase from 2022 to 2024. (National Institue of Mental Health)

User Insights

How might we disconnect the population of Seoul from their devices and promote outdoor activity for better mental health?

Project goals

Clean energy.



3 months


of the surveyed population who live in Seoul are unsatisfied with the amount of time they spend outside.

More accessible electricity.


HCD Research

Industrial Design





Site Model Making



of the surveyed group meet the recommended amount of time to spend outside to gain health benefits.

Connect urban populations to their local green space.

The government has called for social change and a push for mental well-being. The Scientific Report conducted a study on the correlation between health and well-being with the amount of time one spends outside. They found that those who live in greener areas are “associated with lower probabilities of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, asthma hospitalization, mental distress, and ultimately mortality,” (White, 2019). They found that “populations in high-income, largely urbanized, societies,” greatly benefitted more from outdoor time (White, 2019).

Increase time spent outside.

Site model: Yeonnam Park, Seoul, South Korea (1/12th scale)

Wireless charging stations in outdoor spaces around Seoul to disconnect the young adult population of Seoul from their devices.

Fall 2024

Improve health and mental well-being.

“I wanted to spend more time outside (in Seoul), but I didn’t know where to go and what there was to do. Most of the time I would make plans with my friends in indoor settings.”

“When I am in the office, I only look at a screen so there is no motivation for me to go outside, but when I am home and the weather is nice I want to go out.”

“I am not satisfied with the time I spend outside because I’m too busy and I only go outside when I’m off work and have no plans with friends. When I go out, I’m by myself and I don’t have enough content to stay outside so when I’m bored, I’ll go back inside.”

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